How to involve citizens in the energy transition?

ENCLUDE is a Horizon 2020 EU project that aims to help the EU to achieve a just and inclusive decarbonisation by sharing and co-creating new knowledge and practices that maximise the number and diversity of citizens who are willing and able to contribute to the energy transition.

We are developing a policy platform that envisions to be the go-to source of information in Europe about citizen engagement in the energy transition. Our aim is to consolidate results from six Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects about citizen engagement in a format that would be useful and usable by policymakers around Europe.

Currently, we have created a demo of the platform that provides information about a selection of collective energy initiatives in Europe that we have surveyed and interviewed. The names of the initiatives are currently not provided due to GDPR reasons, but will be availabe in the final version.

Feel free to explore and let us know your feedback!

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The ENCLUDE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101022791.

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